



── 小布希(George W. Bush)

日本廣島及長崎的原爆至今年8月屆滿65週年。兩地原爆的倖存者迄今仍為輻射導致的後遺症所苦。美國今年首度推派代表出席日本的原爆追悼儀式。歐巴馬政府象徵性的參與引起了商業媒體關注。然而美國自1990年8月起至2003年間對伊拉克實施經濟制裁,造成100多萬伊拉克平民死亡,人數數倍於廣島原爆,卻罕見商業媒體報導。英美的種族滅絕罪行,至今年8月屆滿20週年。英美於2003年侵略伊拉克迄今,自由派知識份子一再聲稱國際社會對於「高度獨裁」和迫害人權的政權豈可袖手旁觀。此類知識份子從未直書海珊(Saddam Hussein)的崛起並非自然現象,中東全數的高度獨裁政權皆為美國炮製,更遑論坦承美國對伊拉克實施的經濟制裁實為種族滅絕政策。


海珊的崛起與伊朗獨夫巴勒維 (Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi)二世如出一轍。[1]伊拉克在第一次世界大戰結束後,為英國託管。英帝為控制伊拉克石油,故扶植傀儡政權賀希麥王朝(the Hashemite Kingdom of Iraq),即伊拉克的賀希麥家族,以維持阿拉伯人自治的假象。英國為了消滅抵抗帝國主義者,自1920年至1930年間,持續轟炸伊拉克村鎮。賀希麥王朝賣國求榮,對平民死傷,全然不予理會。伊拉克的石油蘊藏量為世界第二。美國垂涎伊拉克原油已久。美帝在1950年初期即與英帝暗中較勁。[2]英帝在1956年蘇伊士運河危機(the Suez Crisis)後,財政困窘,自顧不暇。美國旋即乘虛而入。

伊拉克的賀希麥王朝在1958年遭軍官卡辛(Abd al-Karim Qasim)領導的政變推翻。卡辛清除獨夫後,廢除君主制,建立伊拉克共和國。他並與伊拉克國內各黨各派共組聯合政府。卡辛頗受伊拉克人民支持,美國卻深恨卡辛開明專制。卡辛執政後,旋即將英國政府利用伊拉克石油公司(Iraq Petroleum Company),亦為帝國代理人,掠奪而得的土地收歸國有。卡辛政權並進行土地重分配,扶助農民及窮人。此舉觸怒美國。美國為控制伊拉克原油及經濟,遂派遣由中情局訓練的海珊及其黨徒刺殺卡辛。由於屢次謀害卡辛未成,美國遂於1963年2月發動政變。卡辛將軍被捕,後遭槍決。海珊執政後,獨斷獨行,並依賴由中情局訓練的秘密警察以鞭箠刑訊推展伊拉克「民主」。

1979年伊斯蘭革命(the Islamic Revolution)後,獨夫巴勒維二世遭政變推翻。什葉派(Shi’ite)政治領袖何梅尼 (Ayatollah Khomeini)於同年返回伊朗。卡特政府(Jimmy Carter)為推翻不受美國支使的何梅尼,故利用海珊發動兩伊戰爭(the Iran-Iraq War)。為使伊朗及伊拉克兩敗俱傷,民生塗炭,美國遂於兩伊戰爭期間源源不絕提供海珊生化武器及衛星照片。雷根(Ronald Reagan)政府為坐收漁利,另外經由以色列將武器私下轉手給伊朗。伊朗及伊拉克在8年的兩伊戰爭期間,各有100萬平民死亡。一言蔽之,海珊殺人如蓺、為禍中東,皆因美國火上澆油所致。


美國政府一再聲稱,1990年8月2日伊拉克入侵科威特為海珊一意孤行,其實大謬不然。[3]伊拉克在兩伊戰爭結束後百廢待舉。科威特及沙烏地阿拉伯奉美國之命增產石油,使國際石油價格下挫。伊拉克的石油輸出占國家收入的9成。伊拉克因油價下跌,難以籌措戰後重建經費。海珊向科威特貸款遭拒,又 與科威特發生邊境衝突,故而有意以武力解決爭端。科威特亦為美國扶持的傀儡政權。入侵科威特,必待華府首肯而後行之。海珊若自作主張,猶如對美國宣戰。海珊故而指示10萬地面部隊及5千輛坦克車於科威特邊境集結,按兵不動。

1990年7月25日,美國駐伊拉克大使葛拉斯比(April Glaspie)向海珊明確表示,布希總統(George Bush)裁示,美國對伊拉克與科威特邊境衝突無意見,不會介入兩方衝突。美國近東事務助理國務卿凱利(John Kelly) 隋後出席眾議院國際關係委員會的聽證會時亦重申,美國不會協防科威特。由於美國已示意支持伊拉克侵略科威特,海珊遂於1990年8月2日揮軍進擊。美國向來對否決聯合國安全理事會(the UN Security Council)的提案不遺餘力。伊拉克入侵科威特後,布希政府旋即嚴詞譴責海珊的侵略行為。美國媒體並指控海珊為「新希特勒」(New Hitler)。1990年8月6日美國再於安理會強行通過了661號決議案,對伊拉克實施經濟制裁。海珊此時始知遭美國愚弄,伊拉克已在美國股掌。

為息事寧人,海珊及阿拉伯國家先後提出了5個外交方案與美國磋商。布希政府不欲伊拉克侵略科威特之事善了。美國政府與美國商業媒體遂絕口不提諸多和 平方案。布希及美國商業媒體並對海珊再倒打一耙,羅織了伊拉克在併吞科威特後,意猶未足,亟欲吞併沙烏地阿拉伯的罪名。美國媒體一再強調,美國殫精竭慮,時時以中東和平為念。只因海珊「怙惡不悛」,故而美國的外交努力盡皆徒勞無功。美國無法「姑息養奸」,不得不於1991年1月16日出兵伊拉克「弔民伐罪」。




美國在1991年侵略伊拉克期間蓄意破壞淨水廠、污水處理系統。嗣後,美國和英國並對經濟制裁伊拉克的禁運項目逐項審核。禁運內容包括伊拉克的石油出口及民生必需品進口。伊拉克糧食自給率不到3成。英美不但嚴禁伊拉克糧食進口,並全面禁止伊拉克進口淨水設施、抗生素、藥品、疫苗及嬰兒奶粉。自1990年8月至2003年美國第二次入侵伊拉克期間, 100多萬的伊拉克人民死於無清潔的飲用水及飢餓。其中50萬人為兒童。死亡者社經地位較差,原為海珊執政期間的受害者。

海珊一再呼籲英美重視伊拉克的人道危機,並解除經濟制裁,英美對伊拉克人民的死亡卻嗤之以鼻。美國駐聯合國大使歐布萊特(Madeleine Albright) 對種族滅絕政策直陳無隱。她於1996年接受電視訪問時表示,經濟制裁即便要賠上「50萬伊拉克兒童的生命」,死亡人數「數倍於廣島的原爆」,也「很划算」。 聯合國最高階的人道救援伊拉克協調官哈力廸(Denis Halliday)批評英美踐踏國際法及戕害不辜。海珊安然無事,伊拉克人民卻因海珊之罪獲咎。哈力廸屢次與英美交涉無功後,憤而辭職。哈力廸明言英美以聯合國之名對伊克拉實施經濟制裁已犯下種族滅絕罪行。哈力廸的繼任者許邦諾克 (Hans von Sponeck)亦直言,伊拉克人民不應為海珊觸怒英美獲罪,英美對伊拉克實施經濟制裁已構成種族滅絕罪行。由於聽者藐藐,許邦諾克亦辭職抗議。

2003年美國入侵伊拉克後,終於解除了對伊拉克長達13年的經濟制裁。然而伊拉克的基礎建設及公共衛生系統在美軍轟炸時破壞殆盡。兩河流域的伊拉克人民飽受無清潔的飲用水和無污水處理系統所苦。死於腹瀉或可預防的傳染病者,無日無之。美國在2004 年轟炸伊拉克的費盧家(Fallujah)市時,使用火苗高達攝氏816度的化學武器白磷彈(white phosphorous)及化學武器貧化鈾彈(depleted uranium)圍殺伊拉克平民

(圖片來源:uruknet.info,照片翻攝自記錄片《隱匿的費盧家屠殺》(Fallujah: the Hidden Massacre))。

根據發表於《環境研究及公共衛生國際期刊》(the International Journal of Environmental Studies and Public Health)的學術文章指出,美國在伊拉克使用貧化鈾彈所造成的嚴重輻射污染遠勝過廣島原爆。費盧家屠殺後,該地畸形兒,嬰兒死亡率,白血病、各種癌症比率亦高於廣島原爆

美國的「人道戰爭」自2003年迄今又造成130萬伊拉克人民的死亡。若非自欺欺人,霸權與人權水火不容的道理, 應當顯而易見。歐威爾(George Orwell)曾道:發動侵略戰爭的原因無他,金錢階級(moneyed classes)可自戰爭獲利而已。美國史學家辛(Howard Zinn)亦言道:高舉人道大纛發動戰爭,即是對兒童開戰(a war against children)。謹以本文悼念伊拉克人民的廣島浩劫,並追悼數百萬伊拉克人民近半世紀的切身之痛、喪亂之禍。

[1] 伊朗原為中東第一個民主國家。伊朗首相莫薩德克 (Mohammad Mossadeq)博士原為第三世界最受尊敬的政治領袖。莫薩德克領導的議會民主政府在1951年將英伊石油(the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company)公司,即英國石油(BP)公司前身,亦為英國政府在伊朗的代理人,收歸國有。英國以該公司控制伊朗原油及經濟近半世紀。此案經國際法院 (the International Court of Justice) 判定英國政府敗訴。英帝及美帝遂以圍堵共產主義擴張為名,於1953年聯手推翻莫薩德克政府。政變後,莫薩德克博士遭終身監禁。美國扶植獨夫巴勒維 (Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi)二世執政,並由中情局(the CIA)訓練的伊朗祕密警察(Savak)嚴刑拷訊異議份子及莫薩德克政府的支持者,以促進伊朗「民主」。欲瞭解英美在1953年於伊朗策動之政變,請參考Stephen Kinzer著作。[back]
[2] 英帝扶植了二個賀希麥王朝。約旦的賀希麥王朝亦為英帝傑作。欲瞭解英美自20世紀初迄今發動的石油戰爭,請參考William Engdahl著作。欲瞭解英美為了石油,促進中東「民主與人權」的歷史及現況,請參考As’ad AbuKhalil,Said Aburish,Noam Chomsky 著作。[back]
[3] 欲瞭解第一次波斯灣戰爭(the Persian Gulf War)期間,美國商業媒體及政府的共生關係,請參考Douglas Kellner著作。波斯灣戰爭期間,美國運用媒體纂改歷史及製造假新聞的模式係由福克蘭群島戰爭(the Falklands war)時操控媒體的方式發展而得。欲瞭解英國政府製造新聞的模式,請參考Robert Harris著作。[back]

美國及以色列對加薩的種族滅絕政策: ■ 定罪以色列流氓 緝盜有贓





日本軍閥殺害了多少亞洲人民(南京大屠殺,巴丹死亡行軍, 慰安婦...),甚至外交官(中華民國駐婆羅洲大使),有過真誠道歉嗎? 原子彈受害人當年或許也在為大東亞聖戰呼喊banzai呢 !













廣島紀念核爆 65 週年,日本必須自我反省
For the first time ever, a US delegation will attend Japan's annual memorial commemorating America's atomic bombing of Hiroshima. US Ambassador John Roos is expected to lay a wreath at the memorial in remembrance of the bomb victims. While the appearance could hold political risks for the Obama administration, it could also strengthen US-Japan relations. For the first time ever, a US delegation will attend Japan's annual memorial commemorating America's atomic bombing of Hiroshima. US Ambassador John Roos is expected to lay a wreath at the memorial in remembrance of the bomb victims. While the appearance could hold political risks for the Obama administration, it could also strengthen US-Japan relations.
美国有史以来第一次派代表团参加日本广岛核爆纪念日。 美國有史以來第一次派代表團參加日本廣島核爆紀念日。 美国大使约翰 . 鲁斯将会为核爆受害者献上花圈以示缅怀。 美國大使約翰 . 魯斯將會為核爆受害者獻上花圈以示緬懷。 美国出席纪念日活动对奥巴马当局来说有些政治冒险,但同时也会加强美日两国的关系。 美國出席紀念日活動對奧巴馬當局來說有些政治冒險,但同時也會加強美日兩國的關係。
Interestingly, President Obama's latest gesture isn't stirring much outrage among hawkish foreign-policy writers. Instead, what has emerged is a discussion about Japan's need for a more honest assessment of World War II. Warren Kozak at the Wall Street Journal, for instance, says now "may indeed be the right time for our two countries to share this event." However, Japan must face the "inconvenient" truths of the war: Interestingly, President Obama's latest gesture isn't stirring much outrage among hawkish foreign-policy writers. Instead, what has emerged is a discussion about Japan's need for a more honest assessment of World War II. Warren Kozak at the Wall Street Journal, for instance , says now "may indeed be the right time for our two countries to share this event." However, Japan must face the "inconvenient" truths of the war:
然而有趣的是,奥巴马总统最近这次行动非但没有激起那些鹰派外交政策评论者的猛批, 反而引发了一场关于日本需要更坦诚面对二战的讨论。 然而有趣的是,奧巴馬總統最近這次行動非但沒有激起那些鷹派外交政策評論者的猛批, 反而引發了一場關於日本需要更坦誠面對二戰的討論。 例如,《华尔街日报》沃伦 . 科扎克写到:“现在两国探讨此事正是时候。”然而,日本必须面对战争的“不便”真相。 例如,《華爾街日報》沃倫 . 科扎克寫到:“現在兩國探討此事正是時候。”然而,日本必鬚麵對戰爭的“不便”真相。
Time to Own Up to History writes Kozak: "Since 1945, Japan's narrative has centered almost exclusively on the atomic blasts and its role as victim—with short shrift given to the Japanese invasions of China, Manchuria, Korea, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Indochina, Burma, New Guinea and, of course, the attack on Pearl Harbor. Japanese children have learned little about the Rape of Nanking or the fact that as many as 17 million Asians died at the hands of the Japanese in World War II—many in the most brutal ways imaginable. There is also the inconvenient truth that Japan started the war in the first place. There would have been no war in the Pacific between 1937 and 1945 had Japan stayed home. Focusing on the atomic bombs paints the Japanese as victims, like other participants in World War II. They were not." Time to Own Up to History writes Kozak: "Since 1945, Japan's narrative has centered almost exclusively on the atomic blasts and its role as victim—with short shrift given to the Japanese invasions of China, Manchuria, Korea, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Indochina, Burma, New Guinea and, of course, the attack on Pearl Harbor. Japanese children have learned little about the Rape of Nanking or the fact that as many as 17 million Asians died at the hands of the Japanese in World War II—many in the most brutal ways imaginable. There is also the inconvenient truth that Japan started the war in the first place. There would have been no war in the Pacific between 1937 and 1945 had Japan stayed home. Focusing on the atomic bombs paints the Japanese as victims, like other participants in World War II. They were not."
是时候向历史坦白了。 是時候向歷史坦白了。 科扎克写到: “从 1945 年以来,日本对核爆的叙述一直是完全针对核爆本身,极力宣称自己是可怜的受害者,很少提及到日本对中国、满洲(东北九省)、韩国、香港、菲律宾、印度支那、缅甸、新几内亚,当然还有珍珠港的侵略事实。日本儿童教科书上关于南京大屠杀的那段历史提及甚少,更别提二战期间有 1700 万亚洲人被日本人杀害——手段残忍令人发指。还有一个不争的事实,是日本在第一时间挑起了战争。如果日本人老老实实呆在自己家里, 1937 年到 1945 年这8年间太平洋地区绝对不会有战争。像二战其他参与国一样,日本人只把自己渲染成为核爆的受害者。其实他们根本不是。” 科扎克寫到: “從 1945 年以來,日本對核爆的敘述一直是完全針對核爆本身,極力宣稱自己是可憐的受害者,很少提及到日本對中國、滿洲(東北九省) 、韓國、香港、菲律賓、印度支那、緬甸、新幾內亞,當然還有珍珠港的侵略事實。日本兒童教科書上關於南京大屠殺的那段歷史提及甚少,更別提二戰期間有 1700 萬亞洲人被日本人殺害——手段殘忍令人髮指。還有一個不爭的事實,是日本在第一時間挑起了戰爭。如果日本人老老實實呆在自己家裡, 1937 年到 1945 年這8年間太平洋地區絕對不會有戰爭。像二戰其他參與國一樣,日本人只把自己渲染成為核爆的受害者。其實他們根本不是。”
It's Hard for Me to Sympathize with Japanese 'Outrage' Here, writes Bruce McQuain at Questions and Observations: "I have studied the war in detail. I've been particularly interested in the planned invasion of Japan... The Japanese people supported the war, cheered the victories and reveled in the spoils it brought. They were brutal and murderous conquerers. And they refused to surrender. After the first bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, the Japanese war cabinet of 6 split in their vote, refusing to surrender. After Nagasaki, they still refused to surrender until, in an unprecedented move, the Emperor intervened and essentially ordered them to do so. If those who survived the atomic bombings at Hiroshima feel 'outrage,' they should look in the mirror. They enabled and supported a regime that 'outraged' the world." It's Hard for Me to Sympathize with Japanese 'Outrage' Here, writes Bruce McQuain at Questions and Observations: "I have studied the war in detail. I've been particularly interested in the planned invasion of Japan... The Japanese people supported the war, cheered the victories and reveled in the spoils it brought. They were brutal and murderous conquerers. And they refused to surrender. After the first bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, the Japanese war cabinet of 6 split in their vote, refusing to surrender. After Nagasaki, they still refused to surrender until, in an unprecedented move, the Emperor intervened and essentially ordered them to do so. If those who survived the atomic bombings at Hiroshima feel 'outrage,' they should look in the mirror. They enabled and supported a regime that 'outraged' the world."
我很难对日本人的“愤怒”产生同情 。 我很難對日本人的“憤怒”產生同情 。 《问题与观察报》 记者布鲁斯 . 马克奎恩写道:“我仔细研究过二战,尤其是日本预谋已久的侵略。日本人支持战争,庆贺胜利,对自己的暴虐行为洋洋自得。他们是惨绝人寰的侵略者。而且他们拒绝投降。 在美国向广岛投射第一颗原子弹后,日本 6 位内阁成员投票决议时产生分裂,拒绝投降。 在长崎核爆后,日本方面仍然不肯投降,最后还是因为日本天皇介入,强迫其投降,侵略者才最终放下武器。如果广岛核爆的幸存者感到“愤怒”,他们应该照照镜子好好反省自己。他们支持一个对全世界“愤怒”的国家政权。 《問題與觀察報》 記者布魯斯 . 馬克奎恩寫道:“我仔細研究過二戰,尤其是日本預謀已久的侵略。日本人支持戰爭,慶賀胜利,對自己的暴虐行為洋洋自得。他們是慘絕人寰的侵略者。而且他們拒絕投降。 在美國向廣島投射第一顆原子彈後,日本 6 位內閣成員投票決議時產生分裂,拒絕投降。 在長崎核爆後,日本方面仍然不肯投降,最後還是因為日本天皇介入,強迫其投降,侵略者才最終放下武器。如果廣島核爆的倖存者感到“憤怒”,他們應該照照鏡子好好反省自己。他們支持一個對全世界“憤怒”的國家政權。
What's Important Now Is Preventing a Future Nuclear War, writes Clayton Jones at the Christian Science Monitor: "Hiroshima (the attack, not the city) still evokes strong emotions and hot debate over many lingering questions. Was the bombing, along with the one Aug. 9 on Nagasaki, really necessary? Are young Japanese today taught enough about the war's history to put this event in the context of Japan's aggression in Asia and its attack on Pearl Harbor? Is warfare on civilians – especially with atomic weapons – ever justified?...For now... the US can help the world recall the effects of an atomic bomb, as Japan has long done, in order to look ahead and try to prevent such military tactics from being used again." What's Important Now Is Preventing a Future Nuclear War, writes Clayton Jones at the Christian Science Monitor: "Hiroshima (the attack, not the city) still evokes strong emotions and hot debate over many lingering questions. Was the bombing, along with the one Aug . 9 on Nagasaki, really necessary? Are young Japanese today taught enough about the war's history to put this event in the context of Japan's aggression in Asia and its attack on Pearl Harbor? Is warfare on civilians – especially with atomic weapons – ever justified? ...For now... the US can help the world recall the effects of an atomic bomb, as Japan has long done, in order to look ahead and try to prevent such military tactics from being used again."
现在最重要的是未来不要发生核战。 現在最重要的是未來不要發生核戰。 《 基督教科学箴言报》 克莱顿 . 琼斯 写到:“广岛(核爆,不是城市)仍然能唤起人们强烈的情绪,至今还有很多悬而未解的问题引发许多热议。广岛核爆以及 8 月 9 日的长崎核爆真的有必要吗?如今日本年轻人的历史课本中,是否有写到日本侵略亚洲偷袭珍珠港?对普通老百姓发动的战火——尤其是用原子弹武器——是否公正?从现在开始,美国让世界人民重新审视核爆造成的影响。鉴于日本人的所作所为,在未来要尽量避免这样的军事手段不被再次利用。 《 基督教科學箴言報》 克萊頓 . 瓊斯 寫到:“廣島(核爆,不是城市)仍然能喚起人們強烈的情緒,至今還有很多懸而未解的問題引發許多熱議。廣島核爆以及 8 月 9 日的長崎核爆真的有必要嗎?如今日本年輕人的歷史課本中,是否有寫到日本侵略亞洲偷襲珍珠港?對普通老百姓發動的戰火——尤其是用原子彈武器——是否公正?從現在開始,美國讓世界人民重新審視核爆造成的影響。鑑於日本人的所作所為,在未來要盡量避免這樣的軍事手段不被再次利用。
Japan Must Avoid the 'Nuclear Umbrella' James Gibney of The Atlantic responds to a "bracing" op-ed by Japanese Nobel Laureate Kenzaburo Oe. Oe points out the tension between Japan's "moral responsibility" as the "only victim of nuclear bombings" and the willingness of some Japanese to allow nuclear weapons to be transported through Japan "in exchange for American protection." Gibney writes, "I doubt Mr. Oe and I would agree with each other on either the decision to drop the bomb on Hiroshima and the desirability of a truly nuclear-free world. But his insight provides the basis for a more honest discussion about Japan's claims to moral privilege and its strategic future." Japan Must Avoid the 'Nuclear Umbrella' James Gibney of The Atlantic responds to a "bracing" op-ed by Japanese Nobel Laureate Kenzaburo Oe. Oe points out the tension between Japan's "moral responsibility" as the "only victim of nuclear bombings" and the willingness of some Japanese to allow nuclear weapons to be transported through Japan "in exchange for American protection." Gibney writes, "I doubt Mr. Oe and I would agree with each other on either the decision to drop the bomb on Hiroshima and the desirability of a truly nuclear-free world. But his insight provides the basis for a more honest discussion about Japan's claims to moral privilege and its strategic future."
日本必须避免“核保护伞”。 日本必須避免“核保護傘”。 这是 《大西洋月刊》詹姆斯.吉伯尼对日本诺贝尔桂冠诗人大江健三郎“备受热捧”的专栏文章的回应。 這是 《大西洋月刊》詹姆斯.吉伯尼對日本諾貝爾桂冠詩人大江健三郎“備受熱捧”的專欄文章的回應。 大江健三郎写到:作为“核爆的唯一受害者”,日本具有道义责任,而一些日本人愿意让核武器转为“以美国的保护为交换”,这两种情绪非常冲突。 大江健三郎寫到:作為“核爆的唯一受害者”,日本具有道義責任,而一些日本人願意讓核武器轉為“以美國的保護為交換”,這兩種情緒非常衝突。 吉伯尼写到:“我对三郎先生的观点表示怀疑,我赞成原子弹轰炸广岛的决定和拥有一个无核世界的愿望。但他的洞察分析引发了更加坦诚的关于日本要求道义特权和战略未来的讨论。” 吉伯尼寫到:“我對三郎先生的觀點表示懷疑,我贊成原子彈轟炸廣島的決定和擁有一個無核世界的願望。但他的洞察分析引發了更加坦誠的關於日本要求道義特權和戰略未來的討論。”

在那個美國獨有核子武器的年代,美國差一點就在北韓或中國使用核武。根據Bruce Cummings 所著Korean War: a History,在韓戰後期,美國已經完成核子部署,B-29轟炸機數次前往平壤上空進行模擬投彈演習。投彈的條件之一是,若中韓鴉綠江邊境兵力再次大量集結,美國將轟擊東北的軍事基地。著名物理學家、曼哈頓計畫主持人歐本海默親赴韓境的戰場,考察戰術核武的使用,另一位物理學者則想出殺人但不會毀滅城市的核武,也就是中子彈。


日本的歷史記憶問題似乎涉及了國家認同問題,Ian Buruma的罪惡的代價:德國與日本的戰爭記憶 有精彩的報導。美國自己也必須對日本的失憶症負若干責任,畢竟為了反共,縱放了天皇這個頭號戰犯,還指望日本人認真對待以天皇之名所犯的罪行?



United States Strategic Bombing Survey: Summary Report

"Based on a detailed investigation of all the facts, and supported by the testimony of the surviving Japanese leaders involved, it is the Survey's opinion that certainly prior to 31 December 1945, and in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated"

第二次世界大戰是帝國主義(蘇聯,日本,英美),納粹,法西斯之爭,不是 a war between good and evil。殺害平民是為了要救人,殺的越多,越能避免更多人命的浩劫,這一類的話,只有帝國,納粹,或法西斯才編得出.日本侵略中國是為了”共榮”,也是一樣的道理.

For 64th Anniversary: The Great Hiroshima Cover-Up -- And the Nuclear Fallout for All of Us Today

Tokyo Firebombing

nuclear vault













中國大陸訪民在2007年12月3日舉辦「第一個伸冤節」,活動上,訪民都跪在地上,舉著自己的伸冤材料,有的哭天叫地,有的喊冤。(ENG KOON/AFP/Getty Images)
<img src="http://www.epochtimes.com/i6/801230853071459--ss.jpg">

駐京辦黑監獄非人道虐待 女訪民陰道撕裂















1/23/2008 8:40:23 PM

本文網址: http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/8/1/23/n1987298.htm


另外一件:「海珊向科威特貸款遭拒,又 與科威特發生邊境衝突,故而有意以武力解決爭端。」


正義的中國,公理的中國, 勇敢揮出第一拳,澈底打倒美帝惡魔.

بڵاوبوونه‌وه‌ی‌ چه‌ند وێنه‌یه‌ك كه‌ ئه‌ندامانی‌ ده‌زگا ئه‌منیه‌ عێراقیه‌كان سزا و
ئه‌شكه‌نجه‌ی‌ زیندانیه‌كان ده‌ده‌ن


The number of victims of the U.S. war in Iraq up to three times the Hiroshima bomb victims.

Civilian Deaths
A study research of American and Iraqi under the supervision Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University of America said that the U.S. occupation of Iraq has resulted since - March 2003 until July, has killed about 655 thousand Iraqis. Which means that the average of death in the violence in Iraq up to 15 thousand people per month, which represents 20 times the number which was announced by U.S. President George W. Bush and contents of the report of the United Nations Mission in Iraq last month

Academics and medical staff
Since the war on Iraq 190 Iraqi university professor was murdered, 85 kidnapped , and 224 medical staff was killed according to a study of Brussels Tribunal Organization www.brusselstribunal.org . Presented at the Madrid International Conference on the assassination of Iraqi academics held in April / April 2006

Displaced inside Iraq
The "United Nations Mission for Assistance to Iraq" ( www.uniraq.org ), Said in a statement issued on June 27, 2006, that the total displaced within Iraq is about 1.3 million people, are nearly five per cent of the total population of Iraq whose is 25 million people

Prisoners and detainees
U.S. forces hold more than 14 thousand detainees in four major detention centers , the Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad, Bucca Camp in Umm Qasr, near Basra and Cropper Camp near Baghdad International Airport,and Fort Suse Camp, near Sulaimaniya, as explained by Amnesty International for the year 2006 a report www.amnesty.org

Journalists deaths
According to Reporters Without Borders Organization www.rsf.org that 98 journalists were killed in Iraq since the invasion, the Journalistic Freedoms Observatory in Iraq, referring 147 Arab iragi and foreign journalists killed in Iraq

Foreigners kidnapped
At least 439 foreigners have been kidnapped, according to the anti-kidnapping unit of the America

Iraqi contractors
The number of contractors deaths in Iraq to 338 people, according to the site

The end of the tragedy
There are hundreds of Iraqi women raped and some of them fled to Jordan, Syria and others were left suffering in Iraq. Many of Iraqi were displaced all over the world and thousands of American sodiers were wounded, killed and many of them became disabled because of the unjust American war Against Iraq.


1. 伊拉克女囚犯的數目: 5130
2. 強姦受害者人數,占其中的 65%: 3330
3. 被強姦而懷孕,並在監獄裡生產的人數: 1200
4. 被迫墮胎的人數: 1830
5. 因被過度輪姦而死亡的人數: 180
6. 因酷刑而死亡的人數: 120
7. 其他失蹤者: 4000

Source: BBC
A large number of soldiers engaged in rape while on duty especially in Iraq where rape of Iraqi women had increased dramtically. These same soldiers then returned to their families as if nothing happened while leaving the families in their occupied countries traumatized.

According to official records of Iraq's Interior Ministry during the American occupation:
1. The number of Iraqi female prisoners: 5130
2. The number of rape victims, 65% among them: 3330
3. The number of those who got pregnant as a result of rape, and given birth in prison: 1200
4. The number of those who had to undergo Forced Abortions: 1830
5. The number of those killed due to mass rape: 180
6. The number of those killed under torture: 120
7. 4000 disappeared

After the U.S. intervention in Iraq in 2003, thousands of young women and girls were kidnapped to other countries for the purpose of prostitution. Between 2003 and 2010, out of four thousand young women and girls, an estimated 20% were under the age of 18 when they disappeared. The usual pattern is to be raped and sold as a sex slave.

Surely, these numbers will be rejected by some.

For the callous and the gullible, a look at the situation of women IN THE US MILITARY might shed some light as to what the people under US occupation might face:
"According to several studies of the US military funded by the Department of Veteran Affairs, 30% of military women are raped while serving, 71% are sexually assaulted, and 90% are sexually harassed.

The Department of Defense acknowledges the problem, estimating in its 2009 annual report on sexual assault that some 90% of military sexual assaults are never reported."

Read more:

美軍 Abu Ghraib 監獄虐囚:強姦、雞奸、酷刑、虐殺
Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse - Wikipedia

تعذيب المعتقلين في سجن ابو غريب العراق - Youtube
Abu Ghraib prison فضيحة تعذيب في سجن ابو غريب فلم مسرب من الداخل - Youtube
وحشية أميركا مع الأسرى العراقيين في أبوغريب - Youtube
Abu Ghraib Torture: Abuse and Torture of Detainees by U.S. and the U. K. - Youtube
Abu Ghraib Whistle Blower - Youtube
Ghosts Of Abu Ghraib Documentary - Youtube
The Abu Ghraib Prison Unsensored Pictures ane Videos - Youtube