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南洋台灣姊妹會社工 鄭詩穎






「南洋台灣姊妹會」北部辦公室連絡資訊: 電話:02-29210565 電郵:tasat.taipei@gmail.com 聯絡人:鄭詩穎 社工

A call for help-Help A Desperate Mother Reunite with Her Children

Written by: Shih-Ying Cheng (Social worker at TASAT) Translated by: Tasha Chang (Volunteer at TASAT)

Alice is a Filipino migrant worker in Taiwan, who seems to be deserted by luck when she most needs it.

For a better living for her family, Alice, like many other Filipino workers, who left everything behind, her loving family, two children, she chose to work in Taiwan. Life in a foreign land is, oftentimes, difficult, lonely and sometimes unbearable. With the future of her children in mind, Alice managed to overcome the difficulties she had faced and worked harder than ever, just so her children could receive a better education.

She came to Taiwan in 2000. At first, she worked in Da-Zhi, Taipei City as an attendant, taking care of Ah-Gong (a term in Taiwanese which refers to grandpa) for a Taiwanese family. Unfortunately, Ah-Gong passed away because of illness in 2002. Although the foreign labor policy in Taiwan does allow foreign laborers to change jobs after the pass-away of the patients they take care of. Nonetheless, most foreign laborers who did change jobs were placed in unsuitable workplaces that they ended up to be repatriated back to their home country. The thought of being repatriated like others haunted Alice. Because she had not yet paid back the money she borrowed for getting a job opportunity in Taiwan (which often requires a huge amount of commission), her children still relied on her for the monthly wages she sent home. So she ran away. She rent a room. She tried to get as many housekeeping jobs as possible, so that she could still support her children to go to school and have a better life with every penny she sent back home. Alice’s husband disappeared not long after she came to Taiwan; therefore, her children were raised by her original family. The two children of Alice’s, one in middle school age and another in high school age, were able to receive education, which among all, is the greatest comfort for Alice.

At the beginning of this year, Alice was caught by Specialized Operation Brigade under the National Immigration Agency and was placed in detention center since then. To be able to go back to the Philippines, Alice has to manage to raise money for plane tickets, the licensing fee for travel documents issued by MECO (Manila Economic and Cultural Office/Philippine Representative Office in Taiwan,) as well as the fine for overstaying in Taiwan. Alice is unable to afford all that money because she sent all her money back home and doesn’t have much money left with her. Every time we visit Alice, she seems to be in despair and often weeps in disappointment. After her detention, she knew from home that her two children in Philippines were affected with infectious diseases and are in serious conditions. She wants so much to go back home to reunite with her children, but now, she is caught in the detention center left with no choice. Alice has tried to borrow money from friends but is still short of NT.15, 000. This may not be a handsome sum of money for many, but for Alice, who is now being detained and not able to work, to be reunited with her family is something way beyond her reach.

If you’re willing to lend a helping hand to Alice, so that she can soon be back with her children, please contact TASAT (TransAsia Sisters Association, Taiwan), North Taiwan Office at (http://tasat.blogspot.com/). TASAT is an NGO which devotes itself to serving Southeast Asian immigrants and migrant workers in Taiwan. Alice’s case is one of the many cases that TASAT provides services to.

Find TASAT at: Tel:+886-(0)2-2921-0565 Mail: tasat.taipei@gmail.com Contact: Ms. Shih-ying Cheng (Social worker at TASAT)

