日期:2011年8月9日 地點:台北市中正區金門街44巷6弄5號1樓 綠色和平台北辦公室 時間:上午10點30分 聯絡人:媒體與推廣主任 周元韻 (02)2365-2106 #23 / 0936-333-199
Sustainable Fisheries Policy, All Talk and No Action President Ma Ying-Jeou recently stated that the government is dedicated to sustainable fisheries to promote the quality of life of the fishing population. After months of investigation, Greenpeace has discovered the government policy contradictory to the President’s promise. Greenpeace will be releasing a report on fishery budget to reveal the inadequacy of government policy. Detailed results of the investigation and suggestions will also be discussed in the press conference.
Date: 09/Aug/2011 Venue: 1F., No.5, Aly. 6, Ln. 44, Jinmen St., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City Time: 10:30 a.m.
For further enquiries, please contact:
Renee Chou, Communications Officer (02)2365-2106#23 / 0936-333-199