從匯總的數據來看,此次調查的學生工來自全國20多個省的123個市(其中包括重慶市),並以河南(25.5%)湖南(17.7%)湖北(14.6%)重慶( 11.5%)四省市涉及學生工人數最多,見圖3。在所涉及的中等職業學校中,其規模基本情況是4000人以上規模的學校占到40.2%,1000~4000人規模的學校占到30.5%,如圖4所示,學生工所佔比例大的職校規模都較大。
圖6顯示,學生工的工作時間有77.5%的人每天需要工作9到10小時,甚至有的崗位上需要工作10小時以上。其中,佔85%的學生工需要上夜班。 2010年教育部辦公廳《關於應對企業技工荒進一步做好中等職業學校學生實習工作的通知》(下簡稱《通知》)規定,「不得安排學生每天頂崗實習超過8小時」及「不得安排學生加班」,而上夜班更是規定所不允許的。
表1 學生在工廠實習階段需要繳納給學校的費用名目
收費項目 |
仲介费 |
交通费 |
安置费 |
管理费 |
其它费用 |
不收费 |
人數 |
收费 |
118 |
187 |
91 |
139 |
96 |
不收 |
140 |
71 |
167 |
119 |
162 |
161 |
總计 |
258 |
258 |
258 |
258 |
258 |
最高收费(元) |
500 |
600 |
800 |
200 |
600 |
眾数(元) |
300 |
300 |
110 |
50 |
50 |
Re: 《2011-12年電子行業學生工調查報告》 九
學生進修權益被雇主剝奪,偏偏一堆職缺都刊登要求須配合加班,未能配合者請勿應徵...請勿嘗試等字眼。 雇主永遠都不會懂的事?學生或弱勢族群要私下去進修提升職場能力,雇主沒有同理心,只顧自己薪水賺很多,卻忽視學生或弱勢族群提升能力的機會,有的學生或弱勢族群因為有特殊因素,沒辦法做全職工作只能白天工作,因為晚上是提升職場能力最佳時機,而雇主卻要以強迫加班及輪班等方式來犧牲學生及弱勢族群去進修權益,這是雇主無法將心比心的站在學生及弱勢族群的立場來想,雇主那麼會壓詐別人,雇主不如把心思放在研發產品。
Re: 《2011-12年電子行業學生工調查報告》 九
Foreigners look at the letters, to the foreign media!Shameful when an employee, as slave workers, when the boss is the person of the behavior, when the boss is to be exploiting workers, stripping as much as how much, cutting as much as how much, this paragraph must be the boss's voice.To when the boss is to pay salaries. just wanted to squeeze employees refuse boss abound. Taiwan shame.Anyway, the employer would have been no more chicken Lo law culture want to do leave it this long form cannot saveAlso is the continent of protecting workers, such as failure to follow basic wage penalty will be a great, they dare not less than the minimum wage, but Taiwan is different,,,, but basic salary that they do better than us, better more than ... ...This is the Taiwan Government is not able to do things, more efficiency is doing things the government incompetence, labour voices are ignored, it is understandable that Taiwan high-order talents are leaving guidao, Taiwan high-order talents but went to work abroadThis type of offence should track the line report and subject to criminal responsibility, or are little.Employers put a stupid government labour corruption chilling cold blood stain I pension I severanceBosses ephemeral ghosts bully honest Government not to play victims labour toIn addition to securing some regarded as salary for laborers outside, never saw a loser horses as practical action!Let alone the problem already has a brutal premise: "prices have been rising"!Tormented when workers for their hard work, time out, were unable to get food and clothing that is absolutely the Government's fault in power!KMT politicians waste and bureaucratic loser horse should also lead by example, wearing coarse clothes, eat bread, through thick and thin with the people."Employers put rotten Government of cold-blooded, CLA helpless!" loser politicians, is what a dog officer Ma!"Clock system, accountability from work! Everyone knows the CLA is the only thing these bureaucratic KMT politicians who turn a blind eye! ""Denial of burnout, repealing one of the labor standards law 84" Council of Labor Affairs to ostrich mentality to let local governments custom standard, has not actively implemented, physical and mental, and even for the labour force is seriously impact family life!