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1、採訪自由:雙方政府承諾保障對方記者在各自境內,依需要自由規劃採訪題材。 2、人身自由:雙方政府承諾保障對方記者不會因為單純執行採訪、報導工作遭到扣押、監控;同時承諾對本國受訪者,事前不騷擾,事後不算帳。 3、報導自由:雙方政府承諾對於媒體報導內容,不要求事先審查。也不以簽發簽證或設辦公室的許可權力做為言論審查的工具。 4、行動自由:一旦中、台媒體互設常駐機構,台灣應不會排除任何中方媒體機構駐台。但台灣仍有包括壹傳媒集團、新唐人電視台、大紀元時報和自由亞洲電台等媒體無法進入中國採訪。《新聞自由保障協定》應該明訂經過在雙方政府合法登記註冊的媒體,應該有同等入境採訪的權利。 5、網路自由:境外新聞網站在中國,經常在「敏感時機」或由於報導了「敏感事務」受到程度不一的遮蔽,甚或經常性的全面封鎖。《新聞自由保障協定》中應明訂,雙方政府不得對新聞網站進行內容審查、遮蔽或封鎖。 6、流通自由:雙方政府承諾,對於書籍、雜誌及影音出版品,相互完全撤除檢查,自由流通。 7、政府止步:雙方各級政府及所屬公營企業,不以任何直接或間接方式介入對方媒體經營,干涉人事或節目內容,並嚴禁購買有償新聞(置入性行銷)。

國際記者聯盟亞太區主席Jacqui Park表示,中國政府拒發簽證象徵一個持續性的趨勢。

Jacqui Park 說:「中國政府顯然是利用收回或拒發簽證給記者作為審查的工具。」

「最近,我們已經目睹了外國記者如《紐約時報》Austin Ramzy及《南華早報》 Paul Mooney簽證續簽遭拒後被迫離開。這次是我們第一次遇見台灣記者成為箭靶。」

IFJ Condemns China’s Refusal to Issue Visas to Taiwanese Journalists

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Association of Taiwan Journalists (ATJ) in condemning China’s refusal to issue visas to two Taiwanese journalists set to travel to China this week.

The journalists from Taiwan`s Apple Daily News and Radio Free Asia were excluded from a delegation of journalists covering the visit by Taiwan`s Mainland Affairs Council Chairman Wang Yu-chi to China from February 11 to 14. Significantly, Wang Yu-chi is set to meet China`s Taiwan Affairs Office Director Zhang Zhi-zhong in Shanghai – the first official meeting between ministers of the two governments which formally do not recognize each other`s existence.

The ATJ is calling on Taiwan’s government to officially rebuke Beijing for its action and demands that China revoke its ban and allow all Taiwanese journalists to cover the visit without discrimination.

The ATJ said China`s decision to “trample on press freedoms” by refusing to issue the visas is particularly serious given one of the items on the agenda is a possible agreement on news media cooperation that could ultimately permit news media from each side to permanently station reporters in the other territory.

The IFJ joins with the ATJ in calling on the governments of Taiwan and China to sign an “Agreement to Ensure News Freedom” and to immediately refrain from using the issuance of visas or permits as instruments of censorship. The ATJ has set out the following core principles on which such an accord should be based:

(1) Freedom of news gathering: The two governments should pledge to protect the rights of reporters of either side operating in each other`s territory to freely gather news;

(2) Personal freedom: The two governments should guarantee that reporters from either side will not be detained or monitored for carrying out news gathering tasks and that government agencies will not harass persons interviewed by reporters before or after the interviews;

(3) Freedom of reporting: The two governments should pledge to refrain from censoring news reports and will not use the powers to issue visas or allow the opening of bureaus as tools of censorship;

(4) Freedom of movement: Neither side should arbitrarily limit the establishment of news offices or applications for the assignment of permanent correspondents and any bilateral agreement must include respect of equal rights and parity for all media outlets without discrimination to enter each other`s territory for news gathering and reporting.

(5) Freedom from internet censorship: The agreement should prohibit both government from censoring or blocking any news website;

(6) Freedom of publication: Both governments should pledge to refrain from censorship of publication of books, magazines or audio-visual recordings across the Taiwan Strait; and,

(7) Freedom from government interference: Both governments should prohibit central and local governments and state enterprises or agencies from interfering with the management and operation and personnel of all news media outlets.

IFJ Asia Pacific director Jacqui Park said the Chinese government’s refusal to issue these visas was indicative of an ongoing trend.

“The Chinese government is clearly using their ability to retract or refuse visas to journalists as an instrument of censorship,” Park said.

“Recently we have witnessed high profile cases in which foreign journalists such as The New York Times’ Austin Ramzy and The South China Morning Post’s Paul Mooney were forced to leave the country after having visa renewals declined. This is the first case we have come across where Taiwanese journalists have been targeted.”




2014-02-10 中央社記者葉素萍台北10日電


為虎作倀 記協指鹿為馬
2014年2月14日 中國時報 劉益昌/工商時報證券新聞中心主任
