
Who Can Get the Job? Unfair Competition in Chinese City Labor Market
相較過去計劃經濟時代,改革開放後中國農民有了流動的自由。本文首先從流動自由此一面向切入,回頭來談中國農村社會格局的重組,與此變化伴生的農村勞動力流動,衝擊著計劃經濟下的戶口制度。而戶口制度的物質基礎雖面臨崩解,但卻以另一套結合市場經濟體制的新規範來對流動進行管制。此外,隨著中國逐步融入全球經濟體系,促使改革不斷深化的過程中,國企下崗益發嚴重,藉由強化戶口劃分本外地來壓縮外地民工就業空間,反倒成了流入地方政府用以協助下崗職工再就業的政策措施。再者,普遍經濟性吸納和社會性排斥的處境,使「從流動到流浪」成了中國民工的生活基調,由此也反應了中國社會性質的深層變化。 The Chinese peasants now enjoy the freedom of movement in the reform period, a privilege they were not allowed during the decades of the planned economy. The article first discusses the change of Chinese rural society under which rural labor began to flow into the towns and cities, striking a blow against the household system under the planned economy. The breakdown of the household system has not meant, however, that the system itself no longer functions. On the contrary, it has combined with the market economy to provide new rules to manage the movement of Chinese peasants. On the other hand, as from China inlaying with global economy system, more and more state-own enterprise (SOE) workers are laid off in the deepening reform process. And to prevent unrest labors resulting in a big disturbance, SOEs are enforced to pay those un-employees pensions by month for at least 3 years until they get next jobs. (In China, these laid off SOEs labors are called "Xia-Kang" workers.) Moreover, to let the "Xia-Gang" workers have more chances to be employed, the government also adopts household system as means to try to make peasant migrants get job much uneasily. Thus, under the dual forces between economic suction and social repulsion, almost Chinese peasant migrants have the same living experience from flow to roam, which also reflects the deep change of China society structure.
