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12/13(日) 12:30 @ 凱道

Dec. 13 (Sun.) 12:30 @ Ketagalan Boulevard


What is “justice in caring”? it’s to make sure that in the process of caring, no one is exploited, sacrificed or hurt -- neither caretakers nor patients.


Today, 220,000 migrant caretakers are not included under the “Labor Standard Law”, nor allowed to change jobs freely. Their salary is only NT. 15,840-17,000, their working hours average more than 14 hours per day. They are forced to stay in their employer’s house 24 hours a day. Aside from having no private space, they have are not even allowed one day off in a whole year. How should we expect decent quality care from workers whose working conditions are so harsh? How can we implement justice in caring?


The presidential candidates from 3 parties know well that the working conditions for domestic migrant caretakers are terrible. They also know that if the working conditions of the migrant domestic caretakers are not changed and put under legal protection, there can be no complete long term care system, nor can we have long term care with quality. But all 3 parties choose to ignore migrant domestic caretakers. They say nothing about migrant domestic caretakers in their election policies and do their best to keep them invisible.


We demand that the very first step to establish a complete long term care system should be to face the working conditions of migrant domestic workers. Only when the caretakers are treated fairly and humanely will patients receive better quality care.


Dec. 13, Migrant Grand Rally. We invite you to join us, join with migrant workers and demand justice in caring!

