2009/05/07 |
火警見忠心 外勞護阿嬤不離棄 |
中國時報 |
2009/05/07 |
Foreign laborers down by 6,000 to 343,227 in March |
The China Post news staff and agencies |
2009/05/07 |
URGENT UPDATE: OFW got commutation, family still wants her home |
2009/05/06 |
PDI Editorial on Armia Commutation |
Philippine Daily Inquirer |
2009/05/06 |
Migrante UK May Day Statement |
2009/05/05 |
[TCPC] Court commutes Filipina’s death sentence to life term
Taipei Times |
Shelley Huang |
2009/05/05 |
菲籍教師愛彌亞殺人案改判 子女喜極而泣 |
中央社 |
2009/05/04 |
OFW on Taiwan death prays for miracle |
Lira Dalangin-Fernandez |
2009/05/04 |
OFW on Taiwan death row gets reprieve |
2009/05/04 |
Filipina tutor escapes Taiwan death row |
GMANews.TV |
Mark Joseph H. Ubalde |
2009/05/03 |
菲籍殺人嫌犯愛彌亞家屬盼台灣法外開恩 |
中央社 |
2009/05/02 |
PRESS RELEASE: Congresswoman goes to Taiwan, not Las Vegas |
2009/05/02 |
Family, Migrants Group Hold Last Ditch Effort to Save OFW in Taiwan from the Firing Squad |
Migrant Watch |
2009/05/01 |
AMCB Rallies More than 2,000 Migrant Workers on Labor Day 2009 |
2009/05/01 |
Indonesian migrant workers in HK rally on May Day |
2009/05/01 |
IMA May Day Statement |
2009/04/30 |
SiGAw Fights for Rights of Filipina Working Women Around the World on International Workers’ Day |
2009/04/30 |
OFWs demand equal rights for migrants in Taiwan |
GMANews.TV |
2009/04/27 |
全球勞工團結起來!反對血汗工廠! |
2009/04/27 |
Migrant and Local Working People Unite and Defend Our
Social and Economic Rights |
Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants, Migrante Taiwan |