Press Statement 記者會聯合聲明
30 September 2007 2007年9月30日
Stop discrimination and unjust treatment of immigrant brides 停止對於台灣新移民女性的歧視與不平等對待 Abolish the minimum financial requirements for immigrant brides in Taiwan 廢除歸化國籍的財力證明門檻限制
Delegates of the International Conference on Border control and Empowerment of Immigrant Brides including women and migrant's organizations and institutions in different countries declare our support to the campaign against the new policy in Taiwan that imposes a NTD400,000 minimum financial requirement for immigrant brides to qualify for citizenship. 我們是來自世界各國女性和移民組織的學者與組織工作者,在此代表「國境管制暨新移民女性培力國際研討會」各國與會貴賓,表達我們對於「反對取得公民權40 萬財力證明門檻」行動的支持。
The policy is unjust, discriminatory and violates the basic human rights of immigrant brides. 這個政策是不公平的且具歧視性的,完全違背了台灣新移民女性所應有的基本人權。
The imposition of this unjust financial requirement exposes immigrant brides to graver financial burdens, potentially exploitative situation, and the risk of separation and breakup of the family. 財力證明門檻使得新移民女性承受沉重的經濟壓力,陷入被剝削的處境,而且面臨家庭支離破碎的危險。
Aside from this policy, a proposal that obliges foreign spouses, who have been in the country for a certain period of time, to meet health examinations requirements in order to obtain naturalization is also in the offing. 除此之外,要求已經在台灣生活一段時間的新移民女性,還必須在歸化時通過健康檢查的規定,同時也已經是箭在弦上,即將實施。
We also deplore the lie that Taiwan authorities are peddling with regards to the existence of similar policies in countries with immigrant brides. It is shameful that they have to resort to misinformation to make legitimate an unjust and unreasonable action. 我們譴責台灣政府謊稱其他國家也都有對於移民歸化的類似政策規定。這種以散佈錯誤資訊的方式將不公平不合理舉動加以正當化的做法,是非常可恥的行為。
These rules in Taiwan violate fundamental rights of women, migrants and immigrants enshrined even in instituted international agreements. It is deplorable that while the Taiwan government is pushing for its recognition to United Nations, it cannot even uphold some of the most basic human rights of the people who have also contributed much to the Taiwan economy. 台灣政府這些規定嚴重違反了在許多國際協定中清楚捍衛的女性和移民基本權利。正在積極推動加入聯合國議題的台灣政府,竟然連維護人民的基本人權都做不到,令人覺得可悲。更何況這些新移民女性,實質上對於維繫台灣經濟有著極大的貢獻。
We demand that these policies be scrapped. We also urge governments of home countries of foreign brides to lobby the UN and other relevant intergovernmental agencies to investigate this issue and conduct appropriate actions. 我們認為這些政策有嚴重瑕疵,同時呼籲新移民女性的母國政府促使聯合國和其他跨政府組織對這個議題展開調查並採取適當行動。
The experiences of immigrant brides in Taiwan are replicated in other countries that also have significant presence of immigrant brides. 台灣新移民女性的處境,將會在其他有大量婚姻移民女性配偶的國家發酵,並獲得響應。
The ongoing conference has already revealed similarities on the ever-tightening restrictions that host countries impose to immigrant women married to local husbands. These restrictions are becoming even more unjust and discriminatory as these totally disregard the rights of women in the economic, political, cultural and social spheres. 本次國際研討會已經揭諸了許多移民輸入國對於遠嫁而來的移民女性都有相似而過於嚴苛的限制。這些限制不僅沒有解除,反而有越來越不公平和充滿歧視意味的傾向。這完全忽視了不論在經濟、政治、文化和社會領域的女性權利。
Additionally, the conference has shown that upholding the rights and wellbeing of immigrant women also entails addressing the causes that have forced many women into transnational marriages and makes them vulnerable to abuses and violence. 除此之外,這次會議也突顯了要維護新移民女性的權利和福祉,就必須先清楚指認那些迫使眾多女性進入跨國婚姻市場,以及造成她們對於虐行和暴力無力抵抗的根本原因。
As the conference will soon come to an end, a platform of actions will be formulated to address the concerns of immigrant brides. 在會議進入尾聲的此時此刻,一個嚴正表達對於新移民女性權益關切的行動平台已然誕生。
The unjust policies of Taiwan on immigrant brides will face the united and coordinated opposition from organizations of immigrant brides, migrant workers and local groups in Taiwan as well as those in other countries. 我們在此聲明,台灣政府對新移民女性的不公平政策,將會持續受到來自台灣本地和世界各國的移民/移工組織團體聯盟協力式的反對和監督。
We will not standby as immigrant brides are demeaned, discriminated, violated and unjustly treated. We will work together for the genuine empowerment of immigrant brides towards a stronger movement for their rights and wellbeing. 我們對於新移民女性被貶低、歧視、不公不義對待的行為絕不會袖手旁 觀。我們將會站在一起陪伴新移民女性自我培力成長,以達到一個捍衛移民工權利福祉的更強大行動能量!
Signatories 簽署者
Aaron Ceradoy, Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants Andy Yentriyani, Asia Pacific Women Forum on Law and Development, Indonesia Butch Pongos, MIGRANTE Japan/Filipino Migrante Centre, Japan Connie Regalado, Migrante-International, Philippines Cynthia Ca-Abdon Tellez, Mission for Migrant Workers, Hong Kong Dolores Dayao, Mission for Migrant Workers, Hong Kong Dolores Balldares, United Filipinos in Hong Kong Dwight de la Torre, HK Philippine Independent Church, Hong Kong Emi de Jesus, GABRIELA, Philippines Eni Lestari, Asosiasi Tenaka Kerja Indonesia (ATKI), Indonesia Evelyn Calugay, The Filipino Women's Organization in Quebec, Canada Jackie Hung 孔令瑜, Justice & Peace Commission of the HK Catholic Diocese, Hong Kong Jane Brock, Immigrant Women's Speakout Association, Australia Jiyoung LeeAn, Asian Regional Exchange for New Alternatives, South Korea Kim Young-Rim, The Human Rights Solidarity for Women Migrants in Korea, Korea Laramie Castillo, Migrante-International, Philippines Le Van Hai, Institute for Reproduictive and Family Health, Vietnam Lee Hea-Yeong, The Human Rights Solidarity for Women Migrants in Korea, Korea Lee In Kyoung, The Human Rights Solidarity for Women and Migrants in Korea, Korea Lee Soo Choo, TENAGANITA, Malaysia Nobue Suzuki, Center for Japanese Filipino Family, Japan Ramon Bultron, Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants Ratchaneeporn Kung, Thai Regional Alliance, Thailand Victoria Cabantac, Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants Virgie Ishihara, FICAP/FMC, Japan Yeo Gyeong-Soon, The Human Rights Solidarity for Women Migrants in Korea, Korea