【亞太移工團、移工國際共同聲明 】Statement of Condemnation against the Illegal Termination of 6 OFWs in Taiwan

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We condemn the illegal termination of 6 Filipino migrant workers in Taiwan on January 19 for filing a complaint with the Legal Aid Foundation (LAF) against their employer for underpayment of basic salary and overtime pay and non payment of work rendered during public holidays. We call on the authorities concerned especially the Philippine government to provide all the necessary assistance to the workers without compromising their rights.


The workers namely, Rosemarie Suyom, Maricel Bautista, Revilla de Jesus, Michelle Hernaez, Leticia Manalo & Evangelyn Ayoc were forced to file a case with the Legal Aid Foundation on January 5. They with 46 others are employed by Jia Chiarng Garment Manufacturing Inc. Previous complaints filed with the local labor bureau only resulted in increasing the overtime pay from NT$20 – NT$24 and in removing their board and lodging fee of NT$2,500 a month.

Rosemarie Suyom, Maricel Bautista, Revilla de Jesus, Michelle Hernaez, Leticia Manalo 與Evangelyn Ayoc等六人於一月五日向法扶會申訴,他們與另外46名受雇於介強成衣公司的勞工,先前向台北縣勞工局申訴的結果,只有將加班費由20元提高到24元,以及每個月的食宿費用減少2500元。

The overtime pay in Taiwan is NT$96 per hour for the 1st two hours and NT$120 per hour for the next succeeding two hours. The 51 OFWs in Jia Chiarng work 12 hours a day for 6 days a week. Payment for working on holidays is an additional NT$576 excluding overtime pay. The company also paid them on a piece rate basis which is illegal because migrant workers are covered by their employment contracts which forbids such practices. There are times when their take home pay was only NT$2,000 a month. Migrant workers in Taiwan who work in manufacturing have a minimum wage of NT$17,280 a month. They have worked with the company for more than a year.


Yesterday, two workers namely Rosemarie Suyom and Maricel Bautista made an amicable settlement with the company after being offered NT$48,000 and free air tickets back home. The rest would want to pursue their complaints in Taiwan . They are now staying though in a shelter and the company confiscated their Alien Residence Certificates (ARC) and passports. Because of this the four filed a case of human trafficking against their employer at the local labor bureau in Taipei County .

昨天,Rosemarie Suyom 與 Maricel Bautista兩 人已經接受公司補償48000元以及提供免費機票返回菲律賓,其他人願意繼續留在台灣打爭議。他們已經搬到庇護中心,但是他們的短期居留證與護照都被扣留在公司的手上。為此,有四人在台北縣政府勞工局提告其雇主涉嫌人口販運。

We dare the Manila Economic and Cultural Office (MECO) to blacklist Jia Chiarng and its Taiwanese broker and Philippine placement agency not only for the illegal termination of the workers but for the illegal transformation of their working status from monthly rate into piece rate; for underpayment; and for the illegal confiscation of the ARC and passport of the workers.


Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants (APMM) 亞太移工團

Migrante Taiwan移工國際


