Aung San Suu Kyi & Human Rights Issues in Burma Sing.Speech.Petition.Action for Burma! Invitation & Press Release
【事件背景】 2009年5月27日,原本應是緬甸政府依照國家保安法(State Protection Law)釋放翁山蘇姬的日子。然而緬甸軍政府卻因美國籍男子John William Yettaw在5月7日擅自潛入翁山蘇姬的軟禁監所,以此違反居家監禁法為由,而將其逮捕送往硬心監獄(Insein Prison),並於5月18日進行審判,企圖以法律手段對其採取延長拘禁的可能。國際社會對此同聲譴責,懷疑此事件將影響2010年的緬甸大選。國際特赦組織台灣總會、台灣自由緬甸網絡等民間團體也與國際社會同步響應,已於5月18日翁山蘇姬受審當晚舉辦全球串聯的聲援活動,並在5月27日緬甸軍政府應依法釋放翁山蘇姬的這天,舉辦「聲援翁山蘇姬、關注緬甸人權」晚會,邀集音樂人、文藝界、法律人,透過「歌詠、言說、連署、行動」的形式,以不同的角度來讓台灣公民社會了解緬甸這個鄰近卻又陌生的國度。
【國際聲援】 聯合國安理會呼籲緬甸政府立即無條件釋放反對黨領翁山蘇姬及其他所有被關押的政治犯。秘書長潘基文也計畫訪問緬甸,並表示將督促緬甸釋放包括民主領袖翁山蘇姬在內的政治犯。
歐洲聯盟主管外交政策最高代表索拉納(Javier Solana)於5月18日表示,應加強對緬甸軍事政權的制裁,並對緬甸作出經濟制裁,拒絕與東協簽署自由貿易協定。美國延長對緬甸制裁一年。
【台灣行動】 由國際特赦組織台灣總會、亞太青年網絡、台灣自由緬甸網絡、在台緬甸華人社群、廢除死刑推動聯盟等民間團體,在緬甸軍政府應該依法釋放翁山蘇姬的這天,與國際同步串連,發起「聲援翁山蘇姬、關注緬甸人權」活動。
【活動訴求】 一、緬甸軍政府應立即釋放翁山蘇姬女士,並使其儘速接受適當的醫療照顧。 二、緬甸軍政府應儘速釋放緬甸境內2000名以上的政治異議人士,並還政於民。 三、呼籲緬甸軍政府立即停止對緬甸全體人民的人權迫害。
【時 間】2009/05/27(三) PM7:00-PM9:30 【地 點】台北‧師大公園(師大路與浦城街交叉口) 【活動內容】
詩人/導演 鴻鴻:為緬甸誦詩 說唱詩人/Rapper/獨立音樂人 張睿銓、李婉菁、岳翰林.甘詩婷
律師邱晃泉:最硬的軟禁-失去自由的諾貝爾和平獎得主~翁山蘇姬 台灣自由緬甸網絡楊宗澧+蔡雅如:世界是不平的-緬甸的昨日與今日+圖說緬甸
【新聞聯絡】 國際特赦組織台灣總會執行秘書吳佳珮 0919-381535 ; (02) 2709-4162 台灣自由緬甸網絡發言人楊宗澧 0918-517157 Background: On May 27th, the day which Aung San Suu Kyi is scheduled to be released, Taiwan’s musicians, artists, lawyers will stand hand in hand to sing, to speak, to sign the petition, to take actions as various ways of demanding the Burma military regime to Free Aung San Suu Kyi immediately.
According to Burma's State Protection Law, the pro-democracy leader of Burma, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was scheduled to be freed on 27th, May, after six continuous years of house arrest. Now she is charged with breaching the terms of her house arrest because of an uninvited visit by an American, John William Yettaw swimming across a lake to Daw Suu’s compound on 5th ,May.
The trial has begun and still continues till now. The international community has condemned the military regime’s actions and regard the current trial as the military regime’s ploy to convict and extend Aung San Suu Kyi’s illegal detention due to end this month.
Taiwan Free Burma Network and Amnesty International Taiwan held the Candlelit Vigil Night in Taipei showing Taiwan’s support and concern for the detained Nobel Peace Laureate and her people on the Global Action Day for Aung San Suu Kyi (May 18th). Another public event will held on May 27th in Taipei in order to raise more public attention about our Southeast neighbor country.
International Outcry: UN Secretary-General & Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar: Calling on Myanmar's Government to drop all charges against pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi and her unconditional release.
EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana: the European Union should consider tougher sanctions against the Burmese regime.
ASEAN: The Philippine government is outtraged over charges against Aung San Suu Kyi. Another ASEAN member, Singapore also expressed their disappointment about the trial. They call for the release of Aung San Suu Kyi for advanced national reconciliation in Burma.
Taiwan Speak Up! In a concerted effort with the international civil society, Amnesty International Taiwan, Asia Pacific Youth Network, Taiwan Free Burma Network, New Idea Burmese Chinese Association, Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty, will demand the Burmese regime of the release of Aung San Suu Kyi.
Taiwan Civil Society calls on Myanmar/ Burma Government to take actions below: 1. Aung San Suu Kyi was Prime Minister Elect and should be immediate released and be guaranteed medical assistance.
2. All political prisoners in Myanmar/ Burma should be immediate released, and the practice of jailing people based on their political opinions and their status of ethnic minority should be halted immediately. The process of democratization should be launch immediately.
3. We call on the military government in Burma to immediately stop suppression of human rights.
May 27th Program & Participants:
Sing for Her:
1. Hung Hung (Poet & Director ) : Read a poem for Aung San Suu Kyi 2. 張睿銓、李婉菁、岳翰林.甘詩婷 (Rapper/ Independent Musicians)
Speak for Her:
邱晃泉 (Lawyer): The Hardest Punishment : The Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi is NOT FREE yet.
Sign for Her:
Send a supporting postcard !
Take Action Now!
Presale: Music Album “Free Burma” by Taiwan’s independent musicians.
When & Where:
Time: 2009/05/27 19:00~21:30 Place: Shida Park, Taipei, Taiwan. Transportation: [MRT] “Taipower Building Station” Exit No. 3. [Bus] No. 74. "Shida Rd. station"
Chiapei, Wu (Amnesty International Taiwan) +886-919-381535 ; +886-2-2709-4162 Tsung-Li Tony ,Yang (Taiwan Free Burma Network): +886-918-517157