

2011/10/19 在台西藏人福利協會 新聞稿


· 3月16日,平措(Phuntsok Jaruktsang,21歲),格爾登寺僧人;自焚抗議中共暴政,後因傷重死亡。

· 8月15日,次旺諾布(Tsewang Norbu,29歲),藏東康區道孚靈雀寺僧人。在當地的市場廣場上,訴求允許尊者返回西藏後自焚抗議當場死亡。

· 9月26日,洛桑格桑(Lobsang Kalsang)和洛桑貢卻(Lobsang Konchok)二人僅是年齡約18、19的年輕僧人,他們揮舞著西藏國旗,並呼求西藏的宗教自由後自焚,目前下落、狀況不明。

· 10月3日,格桑旺久(Kelsang Wangchuk,17歲),在西藏阿壩自焚,手持著達賴喇嘛尊者法照,高喊「西藏宗教自由」的口號。目前下落、狀況不明。

· 10月7日,阿壩縣上塔瓦村的卡央(Khayang,18歲)和曲培(Choepel,19歲),二名前格爾登寺僧侶自焚身亡。

· 10月15日,諾布占堆(Norbu Damdul,19歲),前格爾登寺僧人。在中午11點50分左右喝下大量汽油,在藏東阿壩自焚。目前下落、狀況不明。

· 10月17日,西藏阿壩地區的一名僧尼丹增旺姆(Tenzin Wangmo,20歲),她呼籲宗教自由和達賴喇嘛返回西藏後自焚當場死亡,這是第一例女性自焚。








時間:2011年10月19日(三)早上9:00至晚上9:00 地點:自由廣場


09:00~21:00 絕食12小時

09:30~09:40 「與藏人患難與共」 ~九位西藏人落髮聲援自焚的西藏僧侶與青年 ~藏人傳統上,若有親人罹難,會以落髮的方式來表示追思和悼念。

09:40~10:00 短講聲援 1. 葉菊蘭(鄭南榕基金會 志工)

2. 林佳範(台灣人權促進會 會長)

3. 周美里(台灣圖博之友會 會長)

4. 簡余晏(台北市議員)

5. 達瓦才仁(達賴喇嘛西藏宗教基金會 董事長)

6. 其它貴賓邀請中

10:00~21:00 誦經、點酥油燈、祈福

參與方式: 1. 現場參與:歡迎參與絕食、誦經祈福,或者歡迎至現場關切,並且簽名連署。 2. 若不能來現場:也請自行點上一盞酥油燈,為西藏人民祈福加油。 3. 網路上參與:請於當天將臉書、MSN、Twitter或者任何帳號的大頭貼改成與西藏自焚事件相關的照片或者海報。

主辦單位:在台西藏人福利協會 協辦單位:圖博(西藏)青年會台灣分會、西藏婦女會台灣分會、台灣圖博之友會 台灣自由圖博|西藏學聯、台灣漢藏友好協會、台灣人權促進會、國際特赦組織台灣分會 青平台、民間司法改革基金會、人本教育基金會、台灣勞工陣線、綠黨 廢除死刑推動聯盟、陳文成博士紀念基金會

新聞聯絡人: 札西慈仁(在台藏人福利協會顧問|國際特赦組織台灣分會理事 0910-145117) 達禪巴亞瑪(在台藏人福利協會會長 0988-870444 )



2011/10/19 Tibetan Welfare Association in Taiwan Press Release

Since the Tibetan Uprising Day in March 10th 2011, there are 7 self-immolation tragedies in the China-occupied Tibetan territories, which 9 monks or youngsters have self-immolation as their protests: · On March 16, Phuntsok Jaruktsang (21) from Kirti monastery self-immolated and later died of his injuries.

· On August 15, Tsewang Norbu (29) - a monk from Nyitso monastery in Kham, eastern Tibet - self-immolated during a protest in the town's market square calling for the return of His Holiness.

· On September 26, Lobsang Kalsang and Lobsang Konchok, aged between 18 and 19, self-immolated after staging a similar protest, during which they waved the Tibetan national flag and called for religious freedom in Tibet. Now still remaining unknown status on whereabouts.

· On October 3, Kelsang Wangchuk (17), set himself on fire in Ngaba, Tibet, shouting slogans for "religious rights and freedom in Tibet" while holding up a photograph of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Now still remaining unknown status on whereabouts.

· On Oct 7, Choephel (19) and Khayang (18) conducted self-immolation protests in an anti-China protest today. One is feared dead, the other in a serious condition.

· On Oct 15, Norbu Damdul (19), also from Kirti monastery, drank a great amount of gasoline around 11:50 and set self-immolation in Ngaba Tibet. Now still remaining unknown status on whereabouts.

· On Oct 17, Tenzin Wangmo (20), a nun, set herself on fire in Ngaba. She is reported to have walked 7 or 8 minutes raising slogans and died thereafter

“Restore the Tibetan human rights and religious freedom” and “Call for the return of Dalai Lama” are their common hope, but such hope becomes so hopeless under the terror reign of Chinese Communist Party, which is concerned with such horrible and painful way of protest could become a dire terrorization.

Some would have doubts why these Tibetan monks and people are choose self-immolation to appeal with their pursuit Could the Tibetans' voices be heard without such terrible way to protest? In fact, we should ask under what kind of circumstances that Tibetan people would choose such way of protest against China's occupying.

ENOUGH!The Tibetan people in exile and Taiwanese allies in the free society, please stop the continuing tragedies with efforts and means.

On October 12th, the Tibetans in Taiwan have submitted their petition to the Taiwanese public sectors as the Presidential Office, Executive Yuan, Legislative Yuan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ministry of Mainland China Affairs; all political parties including Koumingtang, Democratic Progressive Party, People First Party, Taiwan Solidarity Union, and Green Party; and foreign representative offices in Taiwan. We urge the politicians not to be oblivious on the facts of human violations, and address on the concerns of Tibetan rights during the economical intercourses with China, for the rights on religions, cultural freedom, and survivals as the universal value of humanity.

Moreover, the Tibetan People's Assembly and the Central Tibetan Administration Kashag in Dharamsala, India issued a joint statement on October 12th for deteriorating circumstances in Tibet, “ We respect for those sacrifice of patriotism, call for Tibetan freedom, sympathize for the imprisoned companions ,” and claimed October 19th of International Day on Supporting Tibet, to galvanize the global support on Tibetan rights.

Today, we shall gather in the LIBERTY SQUARE, and speak for Tibetans through peaceful demonstrations – head shaving, hunger strike, religious blessing- to have the whole world heard the calling of the self-immolated.

But, Chinese Communist Party, have you heard?

Time : 2011 October 19th (Wednesday) 09:00-21:00 Location: Liberty Square

Schedule: 09:00~21:00 Hunger Strike for 12 hours

09:30~09:40 “Weal and woes with Tibetans” There will be 9 Tibetans with their heads shaved to mourn for their self-immolated countrymen's sacrifice.

09:40~10:00 Lecture 1. Yeh, Ju-Lan (葉菊蘭), Volunteer of Deng Liberty Foundation

2. Lin, Jia-Fan (林佳範), Chairperson of Taiwan Association for Human Rights

3. Chou, Mei-Li (周美里), Chairperson of Taiwan Friends of Tibet

4. Chien Yu-yan (簡余晏), Taipei City councilor

5. Dawa Tsering (達瓦才仁), Chairperson of Tibet Religious Foundation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

6. Other guests

10:00~21:00 Chanting, butter lamps, and blessing.

Note: 1. We welcome your participation with hunger strike, chanting and blessing, or have concerns and signing for petitions. 2. If you are not able to attend this event, lighting the butter lamps to pray for the Tibetan people wherever is convenient for you. 3. On Internet, you can change your profile picture of FACEBOOK, MSN, TWITTER, or any with any pictures and posters related to the Tibetan self-immolation.

Organizer: Tibetan Welfare Association in Taiwan Co-organizers: RYTC Taiwan, RTWA Taiwan, Taiwan Friends of Tibet, Students for a Free Tibet – Taiwan, Chinese-Tibetan Association Taiwan, Taiwan Association for Human Right, Amnesty International Taiwan, Youth Synergy, Judicial Reform Foundation, Humanistic Education Foundation, Taiwan labor Front, Green Party, Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty, and Dr. Chen Wen-chen Memorial Foundation.

Press Contact: Tashi Tsering (札西慈仁), Consultant of Tibetan Welfare Association in Taiwan, Board Member of Amnesty International Taiwan (Mobile: 0910-145117) Dachompa (達禪巴亞瑪), Chairperson of Tibetan Welfare Association in Taiwan (Mobile: 0988-870444)

