聲援文林苑反都更 今明開講





台灣都更受害者聯盟呼籲關心都市更新的民眾加入志工行列,聯盟今天下午一點在王家前廣場舉行訓練會,為之後街頭宣講做準備,明天晚間八點在同一地點,將由律師詹順貴主講市府、地主、建商三贏方案,王家也會講述文林苑都更案來龍去脈,歡迎老厝邊回來相聚。 聲援文林苑反對都更王家的學生,以圖示向到場關切的民眾,說明都更實施者圈地遊戲所製造多數決的假象。(記者黃其豪攝)




國際連署正式展開! 歡迎各位朋友透過自己的網絡向全世界傳播! (感謝台權會代為擬稿)

Call for endorsement
Urgent Appeal
Taiwan: Stop Forced Eviction of Shih-Lin Wang Families and Revise the Urban Renewal Act Now

March 23, 2012

Taiwan is always proud of its democratic progress and human rights protection in Asia region. However, more and more government sanctioned renewal projects without procedural due process and more and more forced evictions for the interests of development companies are now taking place in Taiwan.

The Wang families have resided in Shih-Lin district, Taipei city for more than half centuries. They built their houses in the land in compliance with every regulation and law in Taiwan. However, because of the urban renewal project proposed by the Le Young Construction Company, the Wang families are forced to become a part of the government sanctioned renewal zone without any notifications of public hearings. It is both a clear violation of the due process of law and an infringement of Wang’s legitimate rights since the Wang families have firmly rejected the offer from the company to be part of the renewal project in the very beginning stage.

Indeed, the renewal project could proceed without the lands of Wang families because their lands do not constitute an essential part of the renewal. Wang’s have long requested the city government to exclude their lands from the renewal zone. However, the government is inclined to abide by the interests of the development company rather than to protect the legitimate rights of citizens. All the appeals to the administrative courts also failed on the grounds that the notification of public hearings of a renewal zoning needed not be actually delivered by the development company to the parties concerned.

The key issues are caused by the flaws and problems in the Urban Renewal Act. According to the Article 11, the scope of the renewal zoning could be drawn by any developer at will without the actual notice of land owners affected. Article 22 also allows the developers to get renewal permit without consensus from all residents or owners even though they may have refused to be part of the renewal zone. Furthermore, Article 36 allows the developers to resort to public authorities to evict the residents and demolish their houses. The Wang’s already received the notification from Taipei City Government and the mayor Mr. Hao also vowed to tear down the houses soon.

The case of Wang families is not a single incidence. There are many urban families in Taiwan now facing the similar situations.

Taiwan government has ratified ICCPR and ICESCR and passed the Enforcement Act of Two Covenants by its Legislative Yuan in 2009. Thus, Taiwan government indeed has the obligation to respect and protect the right to adequate housing according to ICESCR no.11 and the ICESCR general comment no.7.

The forced evictions of the citizens’ houses for the interests of the construction company are clearly not in the interests of public benefit or welfare.

We strongly urge Taiwan government to

1) Stop the forced eviction of the Wang families
2) Organize a consult meeting for the other families who are in threat of forced evictions
3) Revise the Urban Renewal Act in accordance with the Constitution in Taiwan and ICESCR

The urgent appeal is endorsed by the following NGOs (Taiwan):
Taiwan Association for Human Rights , Taiwan Urban Renewal, OURs (The Organization of Urban Re-s), EJT (Environmental Jurists Association), NFIU (National Federation of Independent Trade Unions), G/S RAT (Gender/Sexuality Rights Association Taiwan), Collective Of Sex Workers And Supporters, Green Citizen’s Action Alliance, Catholic Scalabrini International Migration Network-Taiwan, Taiwan International Workers Association, CAFC (Concern Alliance for Filipino Chinese), RCAN (Raging Citizens Act Now), TAVOI (Taiwan Association For Victims of Occupation Injuries), Youth Labor 95 Union, Center for Social GIS, Taiwan Watch Institute, SocGIS, Center for the Study of Sexualities of National Central University, Mee, Career Foundation, Center for Social GIS of Soochow University, Greenink, Lab.TCHENOGRAMME, Booster Machine Co., Oz Theatre Company, Gorilla Guerrilla for People, 1000mountain, Sanchong Community University (continue updating)…



若是為公共建設,徵收民地,非本文論點。若是人民間的利益平衡問題,當局不宜選邊介入。雖然不涉政治立場鬥爭,但也容易讓有心人見縫插針。 利益平衡問題如果是立法以公制私,是否與社會主義相似,請教大家:

1、之前,建方與王家尚未協商完成,不該急著動手拆屋,讓我感覺似乎財團有 霸王硬上弓 先斬後奏或強梁壓境或以多暴寡之嫌?





