此外,最重要也是最具爭議,同時也是與此次研討會緊密相關的是,潘部長於2013 年 1 月,在完全無視受薪階層老年生存權與社會保障制度下,對勞工保險老年年金逕自提出「降低給付率、延長平均薪資計算」等限縮社會保障之「修惡」政策,導致全台勞工陷入勞保緊縮恐慌。
Statement of Taiwan 「National Alliance of Workers Victimizedby Plant Closure」 about Dr. Shih-Wei Pan
As members of Taiwan 「 National Alliance of Workers Victimized by PlantClosure」and「Taoyuan Confederation of Trade Unions」, we would like to tell yousome essential facts, relevant to, but not included in the official agenda.
Dr. Shih-Wei Pan, commentator of this very panel, was the last Minister of Labor(September 2012 ~ July 2014) in Taiwan. Under his direct instructions, there were atleast 5 major protests against his policies. About 60,000 workers and activists joinedthe ranks in pursuit of fairness and justice, not including those involved in protestsand disputes of smaller scale throughout his 22 months at the helm.
One of the most disputed issues and especially relevant to the topic of the conferenceis a policy proposed by Dr. Pan in January 2013. The rate of benefits of Taiwaneselabor insurance pensions and annuities would be brutally slashed by his order. Andthe new calculation formula of average wage would be made worse. In the name offinancial sustainability, Dr. Pan’s “reform”, which could worsen the future situationfor most individuals in an aging society, caused an immediate panic among thecitizens, contradicts almost every rule in any textbook on social security.
Unacceptable for us is the fact that, as Dr. Pan stepped down and returned to hisacademic field, avoiding nearly all accountability. And now here he is all ready toshare his theoretical insight on related matters. His right to participate in theconference is by no means to be questioned. Nevertheless, we’ll be disappointed if hegives all the people who attend this conference nothing else than big talks adding upmerely to his own scholarly reputation. Stories concerning practices he has applied to“streamline” the social security for Taiwanese people should be brought to the tabletoo.
It may seem too grave an accusation to call his opinion expressed right here ahypocritical one or a fraud. But such room for doubt is something anyone has to faceif they are not exactly straightforward about their controversial deeds in the past. AsTaiwanese labor union workers, it hurts to see politicians, or ex-politicians for thatmatter, giving self-righteous speeches and comments in international meetings. Thiskind of action of the former minister of labor, who refuses to accept hisresponsibility for his former mistakes, can only enhance his own academic endeavorsand political capital, but will do no good to the healthy development of socialsecurity, in Taiwan or elsewhere.
Nevertheless, we would like to stress that, despite all foregoing disclosure in regardto Dr. Shih-Wei Pan, he can be assured to have his say on any related subject. We areall willing to be in this room to join any conversation with him that helps clarify thetruth, whether it redeems Dr. Pan’s previous academic prestige or not.
Taiwan, National Alliance of Workers Victimized by Plant Closure