【行動】台灣黃背心運動 揪出法稅毒瘤

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千人包圍財政部 要求啟動除錯機制 平反冤假稅單!


Press release

Taiwan’s yellow vest movement

Remove the “cancerous tumors” in the legal and tax systems

A thousand protesters will surround the Ministry of Finance, demanding it to correct its mistakes and revoke unlawful tax bills. Is Formosa becoming a ghost island? Taiwan has an appalling tax practice that is not found in any other countries: never-ending tax bills. Is the Ministry of Finance brain dead? Taiwan’s yellow vest movement has drawn wide attention internationally, with coverage by Agence France-Presse (AFP), AP, CNN, and 360 other media groups from over 40 nations. On Jan. 11, the Day of Justice, the yellow vest movement will continue to gain momentum as crowds of people will go to the five Yuans, the Ministry of Finance, and the taxation bureau of the central area to protest. Hundreds of people clad in yellow vests will surround the Ministry of Finance again, demanding it to remove the “cancerous tumors” of the legal and tax systems. They will throw water balloons and dirty shoes to the ministry, protesting that the ministry has been deceiving President Tsai. The over-collected tax dollars are not the results of economic growth! The bonuses for tax collection are illegitimate! The tax agencies have been bullying the people with unlawful taxation! They will throw boxes, symbolizing extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ecmo), to satirize the Ministry of Finance, which the protesters say is “brain dead” and needs emergency care.

分享經濟成長紅利的話題,近日引爆輿論炸鍋。現場播放歷年來立委質詢、專家學者建言等,直指超徵原因50%來自查稅--惡意”脅"商, 違法強徵。經濟不振、民生蕭條,稅收反而增加?台灣稅災淹腳目,行政救濟制度失靈,台灣從寶島變鬼島。

The topic of President Tsai’s call for the distribution of NT$40 billion as bonuses has been vehemently discussed in the media. During the demonstration, videos of legislators’ inquiries of the Ministry of Finance over the years and suggestions of experts and scholars will be played. Scholars have pointed out that approximately 50% of the over-collected tax dollars are from unlawful collection of taxes. How can the taxes collected increase when the economy is performing poorly. In Taiwan, many unjustified tax bills have been issued, and the administrative remedy system is inefficient and ineffective. Formosa is becoming a ghost island!

The protesters demand Minister of Finance, Su Jain-rong, to face the demonstrators and explain the reasons for the over-collected taxes and how the over-collected tax dollars are used. The protesters say that the Ministry of Finance has been lying and that the taxation bureau has been issuing illegal tax bills. The angry demonstrators will put bloody handprints on the exterior wall of the ministry.  

Both France’s yellow vest movement and Taiwan’s resulted from tax issues and unequal wealth distribution. What should the government do? Will President Tsai follow the example of French President Emmanuel Macron to listen to the people’s voices, admit the government’s mistakes, and make corrections?  Many countries have refunded over-collected taxes to their people. Will Taiwan follow suit and reform its tax system to boost its economy?

The protesters demand the Ministry of Finance to rectify unlawful tax bills and start to correct its mistakes. They demand the ministry to stop deceiving the president, the five Yuans, and the public. Professor Tze-Lung Chen, founder of the Tax and Legal Reform League; Professor Ching-Chin Wu; and Attorney Huan-Chih Su, former head of Tainan County; and other experts and scholars will attend the event to voice their opinions on behalf of the people. Taiwanese from abroad will also join the protest. You are invited to report the event. Let’s work together to make justice prevail.


日期:2019年1月11日(五)  上午9:30~13:00   
地點:財政部 (台北市文山區羅斯福路六段142巷1號)
主辦單位: 法稅改革聯盟、平反1219行動聯盟
Date: Jan. 11, 2019 (Friday)

Time: 9:30 am~1:00pm
Venue: The Ministry of Finance (No. 1, Lane 142, Section 6, Roosevelt Road, Taipei)

Organizers: The Tax and Legal Reform League, Alliance of Rectifying 1219)

Time時 間






Experts and scholars speak on the issue of over-collected tax dollars of NT$520 billion

陳志龍 臺灣財經刑法研究學會理事長

吳景欽 真理大學財經法律系副教授

Professor Tze-Lung Chen, president of Taiwan Association for Financial Criminal Law Study

Professor Ching-Chin Wu, associate professor of law at Aletheia University




Accusations by victims of unlawful taxation

Revealing the five major crimes of the Ministry of Finance




The number one bully in the world! The appalling never-ending tax bills!

The case of Wang Yue Lin, the case of Pei-Chun Wu, the Tai Ji Men case, the case of Yong-Song Chien, and the case of Mr. Yang


要求  啟動除錯機制


Revealing the lies of the Ministry of Finance and its five major crimes

Demanding the ministry to correct its mistakes and rectify cases of injustice







Expressing people’s voices through singing


Why do the protesters step forward?

歌曲 : Do you hear the people sing




Solid evidence

Landmark case of never-ending tax bill


          Video presentation

          analyses by Professor Fu-Lung Lien, Professor Tze-Lung Chen, and Attorney Huan-Chih Su, former head of Tainan County





Presentation of Ecmo

Petition and protest



Protest: this is a dead end



