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在思考如何設定主題時,對我們來說,「和平」自始至終都是反戰運動的終極目標,並且是一年前使我們聚在一起的起源。一週年遊行的名稱是「從河到海,反抗同在(we will stand with resistance)」,已經凸顯我們對殖民體制與種族隔離制度的批判是我們發起的各項行動的核心目的與原則,不曾改變。到副標題我們才以對和平這個終極目標的追求,來呼應一年前使我們聚在一起抗爭的這項初衷。

“Let All People Live in Peace”這一英文標題的初衷緣於對台灣本地語境的經驗與理解。「語境」指涉的從來不是「語言翻譯」,而是一個台灣本地的華語讀者、香港的華語讀者或其他不在英文語境裡並盡力學習巴勒斯坦抗爭運動的人們,在看到“Let All People Live in Peace”這句英文時如何去理解,在主標題已有巴勒斯坦與抗爭的主題之外,我們在副標題放上和平。在本地缺乏反戰運動脈絡的現實下,我們在做聲援巴勒斯坦的行動時,希望它有機會成長爲本地反戰運動的一個組成部分,讓本地民衆對於反戰運動建立基礎認知,以此來面對本地、巴勒斯坦或世界其他地區的戰爭、軍事與軍武議題。對我們來說這是一項積極的目的,並非希望出於其他考量而改以溫和的語言替代抗爭的語言。

我們當然清楚理解,和平從來不會從天而降,從此刻到達彼岸的和平中,被壓迫者與所有行動者需要持續串連與抗爭,特別是在以色列擴大攻勢的當下,反抗尤其需要被強調。因此我們不斷針對本地政府與公司進行抗爭。當我們知道有同伴指控我們不支持resistance和刻意淡化抗爭性,這絕對是一個大大的誤會!我們的中文遊行官方名稱是「從河到海,反抗同在」,意思正是「we will stand with resistance」,無需忽視。





我們樂見在台灣聲援巴勒斯坦運動多重語言文化的各個社群直接並持續的對話。希望大家親身出席遊行,也歡迎大家利用open mic的舞台各抒己見,讓反強權與人民抗爭的聲音在台灣土地上發酵。


[Statement from the Taiwan Alliance for a Free Palestine]
Since we announced the march, we have received feedback and criticism from comrades in Taiwan supporting Palestine, specifically about the English subheading for the October 13th march. We hear and appreciate your concerns, and as a result, we are revising the main visual and the English slogan to foster greater unity. We also deeply thank those individuals and groups who offered support and understanding.
We want to clarify that this adjustment is not about choosing one voice over another but rather a step towards better communication and alignment. As organizers, we must create space for dialogue. Our goal remains to amplify solidarity, not soften the message of resistance.
From the beginning, our purpose has been clear: 1) to highlight our anti-war, anti-colonial, and anti-apartheid stance in light of Israel’s ongoing genocide of Palestine, urging the Taiwanese government to confront our complicity in the military industrial complex; 2) to mobilize support for the Palestinian cause within Taiwan; 3) to create a space for comrades to maintain momentum and solidarity.
“Let All People Live in Peace” reflects our belief that peace is the ultimate goal of any anti-war movement. However, we understand that peace will not come without continuous resistance. Our official name in Mandarin, “從河到海,反抗同在” ("From the River to the Sea, we will stand with resistance"), remains the core of our message.
The intention behind the English subheading "Let All People Live in Peace" stems from our understanding of Taiwan's local linguistic context. "Context" here refers not to "translation" but to how Mandarin-speaking audiences in Taiwan, or those who are not able to be deeply embedded in English-language discussions about the Palestinian struggle, interpret "Let All People Live in Peace." In the title, we put Palestine and resistance as the main messaging, highlighting the active struggle against occupation, apartheid, and injustice; and then we put peace in the subheading.
In a local environment that lacks a clearly established anti-war movement, we hoped that our efforts to support Palestine could grow into part of a broader anti-war movement in Taiwan, establishing a foundational awareness of anti-war issues among the local population, and thus addressing military and arms-related issues here and abroad, including in Palestine. In essence, the title and subheading communicates that while the immediate focus is on resistance, it is a means toward achieving the broader, long-term goal of. For us, we hold a constructive goal to actively engage with local Taiwanese, rather than attempt to dilute the language of resistance with milder rhetoric.
We believe that as an international movement with a long history, it is crucial for the local implementation of this struggle to integrate and connect with domestic forces of resistance. This is a challenging but necessary task because we hope to strengthen the support for Palestine within Taiwan. Enabling the Taiwanese public to not only see but also understand the suffering of the Palestinian people is a vital step toward localizing the movement in Taiwan.
We also wish to clarify that we do not support the two-state solution. Our position aligns with the demand for one state that guarantees Palestinians’ fundamental rights, including citizenship, human rights, and the right of return.
This movement’s strength lies in open dialogue and connection with local resistance forces. We thank everyone who has engaged with us and kept conversations going. As we continue to grow support for Palestine in Taiwan, we invite you to attend the march and use the open mic section to voice your thoughts, allowing the message of resistance to take root here.
We sincerely hope that any opposition or disagreement with a single slogan does not evolve into hostility or outright rejection of this collective action in support of the Palestinian cause. In these challenging times, let’s focus our energy on opposing those who perpetuate injustice, while fostering patience and unity among ourselves.
